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Maria Lam

Dorley girl


Gender Female
Year of intake unknown
Year of graduation 2004
Sponsor unknown
Gender at intake Cis male
Date of birth 1982/01/09
Name at intake
[show]  "Nic"

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Maria is a coercively regendered woman who currently serves as the lead sponsor in the programme at Dorley Hall. She is currently sponsoring Bethany.

Maria is around Bethany's height—roughly 168 cm (5'6") tall[LL]. She is visibly East Asian[ch. 5] and her mother has a background in Hong Kong.[ch. 32] Her surname is "Lam".[ch. 37]


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In Grandmother's Dorley

Maria was one of the many young men abducted and forcibly feminized by Dorothy Marsden at Dorley Hall. Unlike the majority of "Dorley girls," she made the psychological transition from "male" to "female," in the process taking the name "Maria."

Maria was instrumental in the success of the coup which ended the original programme at Dorley Hall, passing information along to Elle and Beatrice which gave them the power to depose Grandmother and take Dorley Hall for themselves.

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Modern Dorley

Maria was one of the architects of the modern Dorley programme[ch. 31].

At present, she serves as the lead sponsor of the programme, effectively being Aunt Bea's second-in-command.

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Notes on biographical details

  • Full name: Thus far, Frankie's use of "Maria Lam"[ch. 37] is the only time anyone has used a surname for her. Frankie doesn't explicitly state whether "Lam" is Maria's current surname or her surname at intake, but Maria had previously said that she nearly took the surname of a female Hong Kong singer her mother had liked;[ch. 32] she may have substituted the surname of male Hong Kong singer George Lam instead.
  • Year of intake: Grandmother's Dorley did not have regular, organized intakes, but Maria had been at the hall for some time when the coup was staged in 2004.
  • Year of graduation: Maria did not "graduate" from Grandmother's Dorley, which did not have graduates.
  • Name at intake: Grandmother's staff called Maria "Nic",[ch. 15] but this was actually a shortened version of her real first name.[ch. 37] Canon has not established her full first name or her surname at intake.