Aunt Bea

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Beatrice "Aunt Bea" Quinn

Dorley girl


Gender Female
Year of intake 1986
Year of graduation 1988
Sponsor Frankie
Gender at intake Cis male
Date of birth 1964/10/25
Name at intake
[show]  David "Davy"

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Aunt Bea is the custodian of Dorley Hall and oversees the day-to-day operations of the programme.

Bea rarely has contact with boys in the programme, but performs weekly inspections of second-year girls and monthly inspections of third-year girls. Much of the strict, humorless personality Bea shows them is an act she puts on as part of her role; sponsors and other graduates see more of her true personality. She is nevertheless capable of shocking ruthlessness when the situation calls for it.


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In Grandmother's Dorley

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Although technically sponsored by Frankie, sponsors in old Dorley played a more adversarial role than they do in the modern programme. Bea formed a relationship with a more experienced Dorley girl, Valérie, who both played the role of a modern sponsor—encouraging and supporting her in developing a genuine female identity—and also became romantically involved with her.

Living as a trans woman

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Custodian of Dorley Hall

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Notes on biographical details

  • Year of intake: Grandmother's Dorley did not have regular, organized intakes, but Beatrice is first known to have been at the hall in 1986.
  • Year of graduation: Grandmother's Dorley did not have graduates, but Beatrice escaped the hall in 1988.
  • Name at intake: Canon has not established Bea's last name at intake.