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Eleanor "Ellie" Payton

Dorley girl

Gender Female
Year of intake unknown
Sponsor unknown
Gender at intake Cis male
Date of birth unknown
Name at intake unknown

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Ellie or Eleanor is a Dorley girl who sponsored Pippa in the 2016 intake.[ch. 5] She did not sponsor any other girls and has since moved to New England.[ch. 25]

Ellie and Pippa seem to have had a somewhat difficult relationship that left Pippa with mixed feelings about her sponsor. Pippa commented that her cold treatment of Stephanie early in the programme was an imitation of Ellie’s behavior at that stage;[ch. 5] she also says that Ellie “hadn’t exactly been a hugger”[ch. 29] and recalled that the morning after her orchi, Ellie brought her a novelty mug with an orchi joke on it.[ch. 25] At one point, Pippa expresses gratitude that Ellie has left the country.[ch. 25] Nevertheless, Pippa credits Ellie with making her understand how destructive her anger was[ch. 36] and is in occasional contact with her.[ch. 29]


  • The mention of Ellie in Chapter 5 was edited out of the Neem Tree Press edition of Welcome to Dorley Hall.